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Pre Cooling Chamber Manufacturers

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Leading Manufacturer of pre cooling chamber in India & Nepal.

What is Pre-Cooling Chamber?

Pre cooling chambers are designed to extract field heat from fresh fruits and vegetables.

All fruits and vegetables have to be pre-cooled to remove farm heat. Studies carried out on different fruits & vegetables show that 7/8 of the cooling should take place not later than 8 hrs from the time of plucking else all fruits and vegetables show an exponential decay in their shelf life. In order to ensure that the fruit or vegetable does not shrink through water migration from fruit to air the water content in the air at any given point of time has to be greater than the water content in the fruit/vegetable to be pre-cooled. Also, there should no free moisture in the air to allow condensation otherwise chill injury may take place. Blueice India's Pre-cooler is designed to achieve a temp of 0 o C and an RH above 95% in an empty room without any loose water in the air to ensure zero shrinkage.

Key Product Features

Hygienic, air-conditioned spaces capable of receiving, grading, and packing large volumes Facilitate quick pre-cooling of produce immediately after the harvest, for preserving the quality of texture and essence, including the nutritive value, over a prolonged period Can store 15-days of produce at a time

Frequently Asked Questions

Based on the product, there are primarily five basic types of cooling: room cooling, forced air cooling, water or hydro cooling, ice cooling, and vacuum cooling.

The basic goal of pre-cooling is to prolong crop storage life by removing heat from the harvested crops.

Precooling is a procedure that enhances a unit's performance by lowering the head pressure and compressor load.

The load factor is improved by mechanical precooling by changing the cooling process and the electricity supply gains from this.

Hypobaric storage includes placing fruit in a cool environment with a partial vacuum, producing extremely high results.